You can generate a pedigree for any dog listed in the database. You can also generate a proposed pedigree for an upcoming breeding if both dogs are listed in the database. We can also email you an html pedigree that you can use on your website - Sample Pedigree or we can now send you a pdf pedigree

Throughout the database you will find pedigrees that have an * after the name. This asterisk indicates that the dog was one that was originally imported.  For the sake of clarity and due to the similarity of the Japanese names behind the import stock we have included after the names the Japanese registry and the registration number ie [Akiho 190649]

If we have photos of dogs listed in the database this is indicated on the search page. If you click on pedigree w/links you will get a photo of the dog you generated the pedigree for. If you click on pedigee w/o links you will get photos of the parents if they are on file.

We will be expanding this site as time allows. We have included a Links Page which will eventually provide you with links to Akita health and Akita rescue information.

NOTE: This is a dynamic database which means everytime I upload a new version the index changes so you cannot link to a specific dog. If you would like to link to a specific dog please email me and I will provide you with a static link.

If you are having problems using the database please email 



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